Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Medication Errors

  • Unsafe medication-use practice habits place patients in danger of an infection. To protect patients, remember the following:
    • Place a sterile cap on the end of a reusable I.V. administration set that has been removed from a primary administration set, saline lock, or I.V. catheter hub that will be used again.
    • Properly disinfect the port when accessing needle-free valves on I.V. sets.
    • Always follow aseptic technique.
    • Avoid “looping” - attaching the exposed end of the I.V. tubing to a port on the same tubing.
    • Prohibit unlicensed staff from connecting/disconnecting any medical tubing.
    • Establish policies and assess compliance.
  • It was recently reported that an order for PRANDIN (repaglinide) was misread as AVANDIA (rosiglitazone). Both are used to treat diabetes, but the drugs act in different ways. As a precaution, encourage prescribers to include generic names with handwritten orders to help staff differentiate these look-alike brand names.

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